-The Multishot protocol uses a 5-25µs signal that allows refresh rates of up to 32 KHz, while

maintaining 240 steps of resolution.


- First: Ask “What FC and flight controller firmware and version?” on problematic drone.

- Second: Ask “What ESC and ESC firmware and version?” on problematic drone.

-    Second: Suggest supporting websites to help guide themselves -

+RCGroups: *Protocol Videos- https://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showpost.php?p=36552970&postcount=2765

*How to re-flash ESCs & FC- https://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showpost.php?p=36200950&postcount=1468

+YouTube: *Joshua Bardwell-“What is Dshot, Multishot, oneshot, and sdfsdfpwm?”:  


Supports: Blheli, Blheli_S

Latest version (as of: Jan 10 release) - Blheli_S 16.65

Blheli (Regular) 14.85 download link:


Blheli_S 16.65 download link:


Q&A for Multishot

1) Q: Do I need to calibrate ESCs running DSHOT?

A: Yes. Calibrate using corresponding flight controller GUI, or BLHeli Suite. Link to download  

BLheli  Suite:  https://www.mediafire.com/folder/dx6kfaasyo24l/BLHeliSuite

2)  Q: How fast is Multishot protocol?

A: In comparison, OneShot125 (125-250µs) which was originally created by Flyduino, is 8 times

faster than the standard PWM protocol. MultiShot (5-25µs) is about 10x faster than Oneshot125

(OS125). Multishot translates to 80x faster than Oneshot125.

3) Q: Can all Atmel ESCs support Multishot?

A: F330 Atmel chipset cannot process the fast refresh rates. BLHeli and BLHeli_S ESCs with F390

Atmel chipset must be used minimum for Multishot.

4) Q: What flight controller MCUs can handle Multishot?

A: F1, F3, F4 processors support Multishot. F1 and F3 may be limited to 4k or even 8k maximum.

5) Q: How low looptime can I get my flight controller to go when running Multishot? A: Depending on

setup, one can achieve maximum of 32k refresh rate. Appropriate flight controller firmware and

processor needed.

6) Q: Who developed Multishot? A: Raceflight.

7) Q: What flight Controller Firmware are compatible with Multishot? A: Betaflight, Cleanflight,

and Raceflight support Multishot.

8) Q: What ESC Firmwares are compatible with Multishot?

A: BLHeli and BLHeli_S firmwares are compatible with Multishot.

9) Q:

hannel) signal(s)?

A: Multishot runs a resolution of 240 steps.

10) Q: Is Multishot the fastest protocol at the moment?

A: As of March 2017, Multishot is currently the fastest protocol. Though it may not have the

resolution compared to DSHOT600, Multishot is fastest at 25µs (25 micro seconds)

transmission speed.