When using the E6 transmitter (e.g. radio controller from a TinyHawk RTF bundle), you may encounter issues with binding/arming/controlling a BNF drone. To resolve these issues, you will need to follow the steps below to make certain changes in Betaflight. *

This is because the E6 transmitter uses the traditional FrSky channel mapping order of AETR (aileron/elevator/throttle/rudder). On the other hand, the BNF drones come set up for later FrSky transmitters which commonly have a channel mapping order of TAER (throttle/aileron/elevator/rudder). Also, the E6 Transmitter only has two Aux switches, with Aux1 on the right side and Aux2 on the left side.

When using an E6 radio control transmitter, please make the following changes in Betaflight Configurator (make sure to use the correct version for your respective drone's firmware):

In the Receiver tab, change the Channel Map to AETR1234 (click the small down-arrow next to the selection and choose "FrSky/Futaba/Hitec"); then click the Save button in the lower right:

In the Modes tab, change the AUX switch number and the yellow-highlighted ranges to match the below; then click the Save button in the lower right:


* If you have and older E6 transmitter, a custom Betaflight hex/firmware is required for drones with SPI-based receivers (i.e. TinyHawk S/Freestyle/II). Otherwise, you will not be able to bind. If you encounter this binding issue, please see the specific instructions for each respective drone.